Friday, July 9, 2021

The Forever Purge, Immigration in America

Okay, here goes from the git go, a guilty confession, I have appreciated and enjoyed the Purge series for the most part, including the television series.  I know some will call me demented for it, but I think it embodies much of quality allegory in story. As in the sense of true and quality science fiction, we see a story that is a commentary, often politically focused on today’s world, and few things in recent years has done that as well as The Purge as we look at themes of violence, prejudice and much more. 

In the latest rendition of the story, we have The Forever Purge which looks at attitudes of the extreme right on issues such as immigration. Now note I said extreme right, it is not meant to necessarily be a representation of the entire right, but it is to be intended I believe as a representation of how we look at each other as human beings, especially in our current environment as related to immigration into the United States from Mexico and Central America as through the Southern border.


The premise in The Forever Purge is that in the past a government has come to be that allows for various reasons one night a year for all crime to be legal including murder. Apparently while being taken over in the past, that government has once again gained control, however this time after the 12-hour period of the purge there is a group of organized extremist who seek to bring purity to America and extend the purge, or legal time of crime including murder to extend forever as to bring white purity back to America.  I can tell you from this point on in this review, there will be those who are critical for political reasons, some possibly legitimate, others driven by conspiracy theories.


The Forever Purge is provided some excellent direction by Everardo Gout. There is also a very well told story here with character development. We see characters who change throughout the story from what is perceived as a racist attitude only to come to understand it isn’t racist, it is more of a differing opinion. We also see characters change and of course with a movie like this, as change begins to happen, we also see tragedy with some of those characters.


I was impressed with the movie, more so than I thought, and will say it is better than some of the recent Purge movies. I would go so far as to say that for the times we live, and with the current climate regarding immigration this may be the most thought provoking and best movie of the series. That isn’t to say it is for everyone, it clearly isn’t as it is a violent telling carried out to the extreme that some people apparently have for each other, especially with the immigration issues we see.  It is to say though, that if the purpose of this movie is to create thought and dialog, this is a very well-done movie. 

There are questions we need to ask ourselves that are worthy of discussion. What in our belief system is based off stereotype or assumption as opposed to reality? Are we willing to go out of our comfort zone to get to know people who are different?  If we were faced with the same struggle that some in Central America or other countries face, what would we do to be willing to escape to freedom or a better life?  Are we willing to sacrifice our lives to help others out in their need?  What drives our actions and belief system?  While we may not condone murder as is the case in The Purge, do our actions condone the unjust treatment of other human beings?  These are all questions that for people of faith, followers of Jesus, we must ask ourselves, and The Forever Purge certainly provides some assistance in formulating our views on those questions in a serious way.


On a scale from 1 – 10 for the seriousness of this movie and the thought provoking questions it causes us to ponder within ourselves, I give a deserving and thought provoking 7

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