Saturday, March 6, 2021

Coming 2 America Review, The Power of Family

Coming 2 America is a follow up to the wildly popular Coming to America which was released in 1988. Some 30+ years later Eddie Muphy has returned with Arsenio Hall, Wesley Snipes, James Earl Jones, John Amos and numerous others for the Amazon Prime movie. The new additions to the film, especially Leslie Jones adds to the already fun filled humorous cast. 

In Coming 2 America, Eddie Murphy is the soon to be King obtains the throne from his father played by James Earl Jones. As he discovers that the country of Zumunda has a tradition of the throne to be handed down to a son. While he now has three daughters, he doesn't have a son. This has him at odds with his rival, General Izzi played by Wesley Snipes who has threatened to take the nation by force. Eddie Murphy's character, King Akeem finds out that he has a son that was conceived during the time he was in America. His son, as he discovers later, Lavelle has a mother played by Leslie Jones, who is great, and an uncle, a street shyster played by Tracy Morgan. The family returns to Zumundu and thus a the humor.

One of the things many need to get used to is the new criticism and cancel culture that has come about by many in the Gen Z population. There is already some criticism of Murphy and the American actors taking on a role that has them pretending to be African. It's acting, we can't cancel everything we don't like but that is a whole other pet peeve. I just wanted to address that point from the start and get it out of the way.

This is one of those movies where we shouldn't expect a great movie, it is intended to bring laughs but while some may be critical of streaming networks like Amazon or Netflix doing movies, this is an example of how they are doing good movies in many cases. It would have been fun to see this one on a big screen as the quality of sets, action, editing, sound and so forth are as good as anything on the big screen. The cast for a comedy in particular is outstanding. While there are some weak moments in the acting it is still quite enjoyable.

I especially enjoyed the concept of discovering family. We see bridges being developed among the characters. For example we see Eddie Murphy's character and family have to accept and come to relate with their new family whom they knew nothing about. While King Akeem's one night stand with Mary, played by Jones, was just that a one night stand, King Akeem takes on th responsibility of bringing his son back and being responsible. Of course one wonders if his intentions are pure, but as the movie plays out that question is answered. We the viewer see the strength of family, coming together, forgiveness and what real love can look like among families.

We may be approaching a time in movies where the healing of broken relationships is a prominent theme and if that is the case, it's a good thing. We are at a time when healing and acceptance needs to occur. In this movie, in a fun way, (I laughed all through the movie,) we see this take place with the characters and despite their differences we see the power of family.

I've got some friends who I've heard from and seen on social media that didn't like this movie, but, the majority of those that stick with it did. I loved it for what it is and believe that humor has a unique way of tearing down walls and causing people to think. I think the themes addressed are vital for today's world.

On a scale of 1 - 10 and the concept of coming together, for the letters it takes to spell together, I give it a very enjoyable 8.

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