Over the years the Coen Brothers have contributed a great deal to the cinema. From such films as Raising Arizona, Barton Fink, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, No Country for Old Men, and as of late, True Grit, this brother director force has produced some of the top grossing, well reviewed films of the last 10 years. Some would justifiably argue that O’ Brother Where Art Thou, may be the best of the lot. I wouldn’t go quite that far but I would go so far as to say it is certainly in their top 5, possibly top 3 films. The story weaves together like a fine Amish quilt and of all the roles George Clooney has played, his role here as Ulysses Everett the leader of the trio of convicts on the run is my favorite. Every role though has incredible talent, especially Pete and Delmer, played by John Turturro and Tim Blake Neslson. While mixing in humor with allegorical story, the film is quite entertaining.

The Coen Brothers do something somewhat incredible in their movies, they find ways to take the strange character and make them not only likeable, but present them in such a way that the audience can relate to, and appreciate them. The same can be said for O’ Brother. One of the things they do here, especially in the primary three characters is they do this with humor, but also with us caring for each of the characters presented on screen. There is no doubt as to who is a good guy or who is a bad guy, but there is also no doubt that the acts of the person in the past does not make them who they are now. We see this especially as the characters develop and come to recognize the important things of life such as friendship, freedom, and the hope for an eternal future.

There is nothing I didn’t like about this movie. The story flows with ample spiritual themes that have the viewer relating to the temptations of their own life, and the possibility of change. Not only change though but the hopes of a bright, eternal future. The Blu-ray transfer is quite nice; especially the sound aspects and both of these make the DVD worth owning. While there are some good special features, I would have liked more. It is well worth owning though and is a movie I have watched many times and now with the Blu-ray aspect, will watch many more, but with more clarity, sound quality and an overall enjoyable experience. If you haven’t seen the film, get it, watch it, and enjoy a Coen Brothers classic.
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