First if you are just arriving back from the space shuttle, out of prison, from the dark pits of a jungle or some other place where you have been away from movie news, let me tell you a little about the new release Avatar. This film directed and written by James Cameron took right around 5 years to make. For Cameron this was a labor of love, and many think the initial costs of production will actually make it difficult for the movie to make profits. It is extremely sad if that is the case because, especially in the 3-D format which is the version of movie I saw, we see brilliance on screen. Not since Star Wars can I think of a movie that advanced the concept of imagery better than Avatar. I use the following word carefully, but I ‘marveled’ at the images portrayed on screen. Apparently Cameron oversaw every facet of the film and what happens visually in the blending of animation, CGI and live action has one forgetting and at times, even confused as to the images they are seeing, what is real and what is CGI is lost, we simply ‘marvel at what we are seeing on screen. The 3-D effects do a good job at placing us in the movie. On the point of 3-D, I have heard many say this is the best 3-D they have seen. I will say while it was good, it wasn’t the best I have seen. I appreciated the 3-D in 2009’s Disney’s A Christmas Carol much more. If reviewing a film based simply on visual, sound, editing, direction, and technical aspects, Avatar would be an easy 10 for me. Unfortunately there is more to a movie than just the visual and technical.

Unfortunately the main problem with Avatar is the story. We see a story we have seen many times before, albeit not always as well done as here. In the development of story we loose some of the quality as it is not very deep. The acting is credible, and at times, especially the grieving scenes are very moving, however, it takes too long to develop, and I found the first 30 - 45 minutes boring. The cast do a credible job, especially Sigourney Weaver who plays Dr. Grace Augustine. Her role may have more audience appeal than anything she has played in some time. One of the things each of the characters do through CGI and Live Action is deliver a wide range of emotion, and with virtually every character, we see class work.

I think another point of criticism that parallels the film to ‘New Age’ concepts is rooted in prejudice and sexism. Don’t get me wrong, but I really believe this. Avatar refers to the creator as ‘she’ as opposed to ‘he.’ For many this is likely rooted in their issue with ‘Mother Earth.’ There seems to be an unwillingness or guilt association that relates anything feminine to the nature of God. Many Christians either don’t know, or forget, that there are also references to God that relate him to a loving and caring mother, a feminine attribute. There is also the refusal to accept others who are different, and anything that seems to want to draw people together, through their spirits is based not only on racial prejudice, but religious bigotry. I think that the alien concept is one some may have issue with, but while the body may be different, their spirits are intertwined, all created by God, and all individuals God is willing to listen to in prayer, when that prayer is sincere, (another visual illustration portrayed in this ‘evil’ ‘dangerous’ movie.) Strong words I know, but even though this may not be a conscious response by many, I believe that for some it is, and for others, a subconscious reality.

For the religious people of the world, especially Christians, if using the above concepts you may be confused. In theological concepts (the study of God) we call this incarnation. The concept of incarnation is something not only taught in various religious communities, as described in the movie, it is specifically taught in the Bible, it is an attribute specific to the person of Jesus Christ. Yet I am confused, I am confused because it seems as if so many people who state they are followers of their religious beliefs, are so quick to point to the ‘new age’ concepts of the movie as opposed to see the illustrations that can point towards spiritual beliefs. I have seen two particular reviews from Christian review web sites that are more focused on the political aspects than they are the spiritual aspects addressed in the film. Not a one brings out the spiritual parallels mentioned here, at least that I have seen.

I know some people go to movies to just enjoy the movie, I am fine with that, but I love going to see if there is spiritual commentary in the film. The reality is, like it or not, these types of associations do not happen by chance. One don’t have to look far to see these associations in Avatar, heck, all they have to do is stay awake and watch the movie. Avatar is loaded with ample opportunity to discuss faith, the protection of the planet, and so much more. Whether you care about the rainforest, a parallel in the film, or you care about the desire to know God, or even the ability to love those who are different, this film has it all. It is done in an incredibly beautiful way visually and conceptually. While the story is old, Cameron does justice to the story. It isn’t perfect but it is still very good and one I think fulfilled my expectations. I wouldn’t say it is the best movie of the season, but it is one well worth watching.
On a scale of 1 – 10, for the potential of infinity, (eternity) the movie suggests, minus the two words of Second Birth, I give it a very deserving and entertaining 8.
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