As is the case with Criminal Minds, Suspect Behavior does a good job at putting together a good story with interesting plot twists and entertaining and thought provoking characters. We first saw this in the spin off episode from Season 5 of Criminal Minds. The series has a flashy theatrical look resembling the old Miami Vice. There is a look of a well put together, postmodern program. The quality of editing which is sometimes lost due to the television commercials is nicely presented in the DVD format. While I normally use the DVR to skip over the commercial interruptions, the transfer without the commercials is much nicer and the stories lose nothing in translation, if anything, as is the case with many programs, it is improved on the DVD versions.

There is a concept of community and team that comes across. The closeness that develops is more than just a team building concept; it is one that resembles a family committed to each other in a sacrificial, loving way, even towards those where differences exist. Throughout the series we see the concept of family played out, whether in an episode that has young girls disappearing, or in episodes where we see young mothers abducted in the presence of their babies. There is another concept presented; the reality of evil, even to good people who appear innocent. There is a reality where many seem to think they can escape the horrors of life, yet just as we are reminded in the Bible, it rains on the just and unjust. We see that sometimes, good people do have bad things happen to them. While many want to place blame on others or on God, it is as people come together to solve the crimes, to solve the problems that we see that while bad things happen to good people, sometimes the coming together of a society of strangers out of the good for their neighbor can be overlooked. Yes bad happens, but sometimes, out of that bad, it is as if God can use that which was meant for evil to turn it around for good.

While I liked Suspect Behavior, Season 1, I think there is some time before it develops into the quality series of its predecessor. There are some first season struggles, specifically in some of the stories and some of the unlikable characters and situations. I was pleased though with the reality that the season got better from episode to episode and by the end of the season it was a pretty good. The better understanding of characters enabled better scripts and plots likely added to that reality.
I was pleased with the variety of special features on the DVD’s which ranged from various commentaries, to gag reels, deleted scenes, and a variety of documentaries and studies on CSI researchers using behavioral studies to find criminals. The benefit of watching each episode commercial free, along with the special features makes this worth owning. I am looking forward to the continuation of the series and suspect it will get better just as Criminal Minds got better. While it isn’t quite there yet, it has the cast, direction and writing to make it possible.
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