In Edge of Darkness we see an aging Boston homicide police officer Thomas Craven (Mel Gibson) forced to investigate a tragic death that hits far to close to home. The investigation forces him to face the hard realities of his life as a police officer and a father. Instead of the action like one may be expecting from the movie trailers, what we have is action driven by dialog and story. Virtually all of the high octane action sequences are seen in the trailer with the movie offering nothing new. We see Gibson resort to a character driven plot that resembles more of a John Grisham novel than action movie. Edge of Darkness based on a popular BBC mini series tries to force the plot of a several hour mini series into a 2 hour movie.
While the direction, acting and cinematography are all adequate, for many, this movie will fall short. For those liking intense drama, mystery, and espionage you will find yourself enjoying the film for what it is. Gibson does a credible job, although not his best work as an actor and beautiful Bojana Novakovic does a good job as Craven’s daughter, Emma who also has a past and involvement that challenges Craven in the investigation of his life. The struggle, that need for discovery drives much of the drama that moves the film along. We see other characters such as the mysterious Jedburgh played beautifully by Ray Winstone. Winstone steals virtually every scene he is in, unfortunately, we don’t know much about him and that is one of the prevailing problems with the movie, there are just far too many characters we know so little about.

I am not disappointed I saw this film, but on a scale of 1 – 10 I can’t say it is really worth the $10 it cost for a ticket, now $6, maybe. So on a cost factor I give it an okay, but not great 6.
To see the trailer for The Edge of Darkness click on the video below, if the video don't appear, click on the following link:
Mel Gibson talks about the movie
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