Joshua follows the changes in the Carin family after the birth of a daughter. This young family has a son, Joshua who is a talented protégé pianist. What transpires is enough twists and turns to keep you thinking through out the movie. As strange things happen to the family and Abby, Joshua’s mother played brilliantly by Vera Farmiga begins to develop signs of postnatal depression, we the viewer are either totally confused by the poor script development, or amazed at the hodge podge of story we see on screen. One of the things I thought of is the concept some have in a fine art museum. When some view contemporary art, some see value, some are totally confused. Enter into the story an uncle we can’t figure out, and in-laws who are strong fundamental Christians and the story goes in so many directions it becomes difficult to stay focused.
One of the interesting story lines, not nearly developed enough is the interaction between the Carin family and their in-laws. Abby is Jewish and is married to Brad, played very well by Sam Rockwell. As Abby begins to show signs of either a previous mental illness, or postnatal depression we see the involvement of Brad’s parents. Especially involved is the grandmother, Hazel, played brilliantly by Celia Weston. Hazel has issues that the children have not been baptized and is emphatic about finding ways to have Joshua become a Born Again Christian. Joshua, while seemingly responsive has other intentions. If anything is certain about this movie, Joshua is one confused little boy, confused so much so we have a hard time determining if he is a role model in an Occult sort of way, or if he is just a confused and possibly abused child. None of those questions are ever answered, and it is a script that depends on the viewer to write most of the story line with their own imagination.

There are so many concepts I would have loved to see developed further. There is the apparent desire for the director to present some form of supernatural spiritual thriller. Unfortunately it never developed. From a deeply fundamentalist Christians desire to see her grandchildren converted to Christianity, even a scene in church where an apparent salvation takes place, to the difficulties between Jewish and Christian blended marriages. We see all kinds of issues addressed that could have provided some measure of thought provoking commentary, unfortunately, these themes are used as background and never seems to get on track and find a point in the plot development. While the religious themes could have provided some thought provoking questions, I was disappointed in the lack of development.

On a scale of 1 – 10, for the terrible time I had watching it and the confusing plot lines, I give a disappointing 4, one for each of the principal actors who did their part.
To see the video trailer for Joshua, just click on the video below, if trouble, click on the following link:
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