Like most kids, there was a love from me for Super Heroes and Samson and Hercules were two characters in my early childhood that in many ways gave an illustration that the superhero concept has existed for thousands of years. I am sure that there are mythologies about both of those characters that have been contributed to their legends, but they were such great characters that were deserving of that mythology and legend. While I loved Hercules, he was a tad below Samson in my opinion, at least Samson was a character who would exact revenge on those who had done him wrong. In a recent conversation with Brittany Yost the producer of the movie Samson, she stated that even the folks at Pure-Flix had recognized the value of the story of Samson in an age where the super-hero dominates the movie screen. You can listen and see that interview on YouTube at this link, click here:

There were things I loved about Samson. The movie did a good job at showing the humanity and frailties of Samson, his pride, his attraction to Delilah, and at times, self conceded attitudes and mannerisms. Samson certainly comes across as one lacking humility and the trouble he often finds himself in is trouble he often created. I like the aspect though that we see that even the heroes of the Bible were not perfect and that God chose to use imperfect people. Often times Bible Heroes are presented as people other than human, it is one of the reasons that some can't relate to those characters. They are often presented as people we can't relate to, this aspect of Samson presented on screen however gives a believability and relational component to the character. It is through the recognition of his own failings that along with the story in the Bible, we see a Samson we can relate to and who turns back to God and the Holy Spirit for the strength that he once had once he has had a downfall to the tease of Delilah. He recognizes that the things provided to him from God are really the things that made him the legend that became, Samson. The portrayal of this Samson is a portrayal the viewer can relate to, and even consider making the same types of decisions to get their life back in order, just as Samson did.

I liked Samson even though I felt the film was a step down from Pure-Flix's last film, The Case for Christ. I didn't love it though, it was lacking at times and seemed as if some of the acting while largely good was just a reading of the script. It was if you will, at times, over acted. As mentioned earlier, there was a lack of continuity in many ways. I would still recommend the movie though, especially for a matinee or for a family who may have issues with some of the concepts of the Marvel and DC Universe and would like to present to their children characters they can look up to and follow, characters like Samson, one of the first superheroes.
On a scale of 1 - 10 for the letters in the name Samson, I give a someway, okay, but not great rating of 6.
To see my interview with Producer Brittany Yost, click on the following:
To see the trailer for the movie Samson, click on the following:
Also make sure to check out the new video VLOG The Movie Guys and look for the syndicated television show of the same title in your community. For more information check out the pages at Facebook by clicking here. The Movie Guys
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