While rare, there are those moments I walk into a theater knowing nothing about the movie I am about to see. Recently one such incident occurred. there were two new movies I hadn't seen and decided that from what I had seen from the trailers and from the movie poster in the lobby that my wife would likely enjoy one more than the other, so, we decided to see The Promise.
The Promise was released on the festival circuit late 2016 and was just released into the theaters this last week. I will be honest, I knew nothing of the story, didn't know what to expect and after seeing it, am wondering if sometimes, maybe, just maybe, the feelings one has about a movie is expanded on in situations like this, whether the movie is good, or bad. If it is true, and I expect there is a measure of truth to it, The Promise is one of the best, if not the best movie I have seen in the last few years. I was shocked, moved and intrigued by this incredible story.
The Promise is a period piece that takes place in the early stages of World War One. The story takes place in Turkey and has to do with the Muslim Sect of Turkey and their attempt to largely eradicate and wipe out the Armenian Christians within their country. This attempt known as the Armenian Genocide is a little-known part of history within many circles, it is certainly a historical concept I personally knew little about.

Mikael Boghosian, played brilliantly by Oscar Isaac is a young man who desires to be a doctor and has to travel to Constantinople to attend medical school. In order to attend school he accepts a dowry from the family of the woman he loves, Maral played by Armenian, Angela Sarafyan. Mikael leaves the family and his betrothed behind to attend school. While in Constantinople he stays with a family member who has as a teacher for his children, Ana played beautifully by Charlotte Le Bon. Ana is in a relationship with American AP reporter Chris Myers played by Christian Bale. As things progress, there is a sort of love triangle that develops between Chris, Mikael, and Ana. It becomes clear that Ana and Mikael are truly in love and while Chris loves and sees what is going on between the two he is preoccupied with the events of the day, largely, the efforts of the Turkish Ottoman government's to wipe the Armenians from the face of the earth. Caught up in the attempt to destroy the Armenians we see these characters story, as well as a friend of Mikael from medical school, a Muslim member of the Ottoman government, Emre Ogan played by Marwan Kenzari begin to develop and take shape. What transpires in that story is a historically epic story with a backdrop of love and faith. Not since Dr. Zhivago have I seen a story like this played out on the screen so brilliantly.
Seeds of faith, service, love and helping the least fortunate are sprinkled so heavily in this film that one would be mistaken to not take notice. From pivotal scenes in churches, among mission groups to the willingness to sacrifice life to save innocents and those in need we see these images sprinkled with images of Jesus, the cross and much more. While The Promise could have taken a heavy-handed approach to show the negative involvement of many Muslims in this world, during this time, it doesn't. One of the pivotal heroes of the story is in fact, a Muslim whose sacrificial actions save many lives. In his friendship with an Armenian Christian, we see the power of friendship which came about from sharing a mutual interest and a willingness to communicate and get to know a person of a differing belief.

When doing research for some movies I go check out the IMDB page after seeing a movie, so it was I did with The Promise. When doing so I was shocked at the overwhelming majority of recent reviews since the movie came out of the very high ratings given the movie by viewers, it is in fact, if looking at those reviews, one of the highest rated and reviewed movies I have ever seen on this particular page. However, with a tad bit of research one can also easily see that there was what appears to be an organized effort prior to the release of this movies to critique and condemn the movie, prior to anyone seeing it. As a result, the true score or review from viewers at IMDB are not nearly as high as it would be if only reviewed by people who have seen the movie. I make mention of this for a couple of reasons, one, to let you know the movie is far better than is initially indicated from what appears to be some fan reviews, the other though, to let you know, apparently there is a large segment of society that still does not want to let people know about the atrocities that took place during the Armenian Genocide. Racism, prejudice, and hatred still exist to the point that like the White Supremacist who doesn't want to accept the reality of the Jewish Genocide during World War 2, some don't want to accept similar actions to exterminate the Christian Armenians during World War 1.
I initially thought this movie would be boring, it is long and has a focus more on story than it does action, although there is a lot of action and intrigue. I was, however, never bored and despite being tired when I went to the movie, never lost interest. I was so intrigued that I ended up doing research on the period of history and the Armenian Genocide from a historical perspective. While I am far from educated to the point I would like to be, the movie inspired me to learn more and I am far more knowledgeable now than I was prior to the movie.

I can't recommend this movie high enough, it is exceptional. It is so exceptional that it will enter my top 100 films of all time, likely in the top 25. It is rare as well, because it is as perfect, in as many ways as one can imagine. It is for that reason, that for me, The Promise enters a rare and truly Epic place as it is truly an Epic film in the tradition of a Dr. Zhivago or other films of the era. For the number of letters in The Promise, on a scale of 1 - 10, I give a rare, and well deserved 10 for this incredible film.
To see the trailer for this film, just click on the video below, if for some reason the video doesn't work, try the link.
I also highly recommend this video to see some of the controversy regarding the film. The interview from Charley Rose follows the trailer of the film.
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