There are movies that are classics, and then there are classics that will seemingly endure forever. The story of Ben Hur has been told in numerous movies and scripts dating back to 1907. The most respected version of the story is the 1959 version starring Charlton Hesston. This rendition of the film is certainly in the top 25 films of all-time by virtually every film critic and reviewer on the planet.It is for good reason Charlton Heston is outstanding and the cinematography and story, along with direction and cast is nothing short of exceptional.
So it is, justifiably so, that one would be critical from the outset at trying to explain why there would need to be a remake of this outstanding film. It would seem as if a remake would be doomed from the start from the criticism that would come about from fans of the 1959 film. I would remind folks, though, that even the 1959 film is itself, a remake of earlier versions of the story. So it is, with some understanding that I understand, the reasoning for a remake.
Ben Hur, 2016, is brought to us by producers Roma Downey and Mark Burnett among others. These two have delved into religious-themed movies in recent history, some good, some not so good and all thought provoking. So it is with the new version of Ben-Hur starring Jack Huston as Judah Ben-Hur, Toby Kebbell as his adoptive brother Messala and numerous others including Morgan Freeman as Ben-Hur rescuer and mentor Ilderim.
The story takes place in Jerusalem during the time of Christ. Ben-Hur and Messala are best friends who are like brothers. Ben-Hur believes in the way of peace while Messala understands the need to become a part of the Roman Empire. Messala ends up joining the Roman forces while Ben-Hur stays at home in Jerusalem. Many of the Jews in Jerusalem join the Zealot Movement to try and overthrow Rome, Ben-Hur believing he should befriend all people harbors a Zealot who later on brings his house under the swift and judgmental sword of Rome. As a result, tragic events happen under the eye of those in power and Ben-Hur's life long friend and brother Messala. Ben-Hur is placed into slavery aboard a warship.Later he regains his freedom but is still wanted for acts against Rome and comes under the protection of a wise mentor, Ilderim who takes him under his wing and trains him to race chariots. The story along the way is the story of Ben Hur that so many are familiar with, and this rendition stays quite true to the intent and concepts of the other films.
I have to say, there is not what I would consider any outstanding leads or bits of acting in this film. It is good but does not compare to the classic 1959 version which one can't help but think about. That said it is still told quite well with the script doing a good job at showing the influence of a young Jewish carpenter named Jesus. We see the role of Jesus in a background sort of way have an impact on Ben-Hur and the characters around him, including his wife, Esther, played by Nazanin Boniadi.We see the impact and teachings of Jesus certainly come into play in regards to the spiritual freedom he emphasized in a country that was occupied by Rome, especially so when so many Zealots and others fought for religious freedom. Whether by intent or not, the movie helps illustrate in many ways the life-changing impact of Jesus, even in a political climate that seems to be in opposition to all things related to faith. The freedom provided is an internal freedom as opposed to a political freedom. In this manner, the direction provided by Timur Bekmambetov is quite exceptional as it tells an exceptional story and weaves in quite nicely the impact of Jesus not just individuals around him, but the culture of the time.
Ben-Hur tells quite nicely a story that shows the power of redemptive change but along with that concept, the power of forgiveness. I was quite pleased, and moved at how the movie weaved in these messages, not that they haven't been told before, they have and even in an exceptional way, but the reminder of these themes is still needed in today's world, and it is in this vein that I can recommend the movie even though it is not a great movie as is the 1959 Classic, it is still a story worth watching and I believe many will see the story for the first time because it is on the big screen. Hopefully, though, it will also inspire people to go back and see the earlier versions, especially the classic 1959 version. I know it did me as I want to return to the classic to compare.
Now the special effects in this are quite incredible, especially the chariot race towards the ending of the film, many will and are talking about those scenes, but again, for me, I can't help but go back to the 1959 classic film to think about and realize, while there were some special effects and stunt actors used in that film, there was no CGI.
All in all, this is again, a good movie, that doesn't make it a classic or great movie, though, I found the first 30 minutes or so of the film quite boring, almost at times amateurish, but it picked up and the last two-thirds of the film were actually quite good and entertaining and, as the story came together, quite meaningful.I am going to recommend this movie, on the big screen for those reasons. It is a movie that revisits the themes of today's world that seem to exist in society as a constant, yet, it also shows the power of Jesus to change lives, and, the message on forgiveness and the power it can have is as relevant today as it ever was.
So on a scale of 1 - 10, while it may not seem like a great score, it is still a movie I highly recommend seeing, for the letters in Ben Hur, I give a somewhat, perplexed 6.
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One of the things I get blasted for more than anything in regards to movie reviews is my willingness to review Horror. There is no doubt, horror of all genres, is often the most misunderstood, and most unliked, especially among the Christian crowd. This is largely not true among the regular person attending movies though as is evidenced by the large box office numbers put up by Horror Films. One of the baffling concepts of this to me over the years has been the reality that most Horror Films address spiritual themes like no other genera. This is especially true in the realm of possession movies which include the influence of the Demonic within haunting types of movies whether it be possessions or poltergeist forms of a movie. The difference being a haunting can and usually does involve possessions of people or others that last over a period of over a year, and normally poltergeist types of movies lasting for no more than a few months.
The Conjuring 2 is a continuation of sorts from the initial Conjuring which involves a haunting of a home, and family and its investigation by popular researchers, Ed and Loraine Warren. The Warren's are among the only people who were not Catholic, ever recognized by the Catholic Church for paranormal investigations. This story takes place after their investigation of the popular Amityville case in the United States. After what some has said is the most researched case in history, the Warrens are called to research a family and haunting in London England, known historically as, The Enfield Haunting which involved a mother, her two daughters, and a son in a flat in London. The family begins to experience paranormal activity and the uniqueness of this story, as in real life, the family immediately goes to neighbors once the events start happening and the neighbors see and experience the same things. The family calls in the police that night who also report in their documentation of the case that they as well experienced paranormal events that were unexplainable.
One of the things that make the Conjuring 2 in some ways better than the original Conjuring is that there is better story telling. Don't get me wrong here, the Hayes Brothers, responsible for the script in both the Conjuring and Conjuring 2 did an exceptional job in the first movie, but there is much more plot development and especially character development in this story which at times is as much of a love story between the Warrens as it is a haunting experience. It is clear though the Hayes Brothers who are both unapologetically Christian, have a lot of material to work with regarding the real life Warren's and their work due to their own Christian-oriented beliefs, whether they be traditional beliefs or not. Another aspect they have to work within this film is a film that depends on more on its characters than it does its scary moments, of which it also has ample moments.
The cast in the Conjuring 2 is terrific! Patrick Wilson, (Ed Warren) and Vera Farmiga, (Loraine Warren) are both back and as terrific as ever, especially Vera Farmiga in this film, but the scene stealer for the film is Madison Wolfe who plays the part of young Janet Hodgson. It is unfortunate that this movie falls into the Summer Movie category and is a Horror Film, otherwise, this young actress, in my opinion, does such a terrific job that it would be horrific if she is not at the very least considered for numerous awards in the supporting actress category. She plays the part in such a believable way that it does nothing but adds to the intelligence behind this movie. There is also a haunting and at times, a funny sound score for the film along with terrific editing and direction by James Wan. The film has received such critical praise prior to release that there is already talk of a sequel to the film, of which there would be no problem as there are numerous stories involving Warren's research. Word is that the Hayes Brothers have already signed on for the sequel and that Wan is considering it.
One of the aspects of the film that challenged me was my thought process specific to how many Christians ignore or even go so far as to hate this type of movie, when reality is, especially in this film and with this script, faith, specific to the person of Jesus Christ is so strongly presented. We see for example the usage of the cross in some way in virtually every image in the film, yet we also see the difference between the reminder of the cross, to the use of the cross from a nonbeliever's perspective and the perspective of a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. It reminds me of the old Stephen King Movie, Silver Bullet when a vampire is presented with a cross and the vampire tells the person showing it that the cross only does good if the person believes in it.
The film also strongly addresses the areas of faith, calling and visions. We see the Warrens as two
people who are passionately in love with each other, have a deep faith in God, but also a deep love and appreciation for each other who happen to believe that God speaks to them via various means including at times for Loraine, visions. They see those visions as not only something that could happen but possibly as things that they are called to change and beware of. Of course, the film depends largely on people believing in the possibility of the demonic and paranormal as it is presented as a true story. That said while many choose to believe in Angels there seems to be a reluctance to believe in the Demonic, this seems to be at times especially hypocritical of those people of faith who present all a one sided good story without ever considering the reality of evil. I can't help but bring up a discussion I had years ago with the popular Christian author Ted Dekker, he stated that "Evil painted with anything but the darkest of brushes is not a true representation of evil." The Hayes Brothers paints a dark brush, but thankfully, also understands the power of light and the ultimate power of God to overcome evil.
For me, this movie was not as scary as The Conjuring, but it was, because of its powerful storytelling and direction, better than its predecessor. I recommend that people who go see it don't just go for the scare tactics but look at the underlying themes in the movie, the love between a husband and a wife, their willingness to sacrifice for their fellow human, their desire to do what they believe God has called them to do, no matter how difficult it is to do it. Then, of course, there are the other themes, as to the power of the cross in the hands of one who believes in it, the influence of how the Demonic will often attack others to gain its own purpose and much more. I don't think the film will be too upsetting to those attending the movie, I also expect this movie will have the potential to point people to the power of God. The Hayes Brothers have done such a terrific job of weaving a story under the direction of James Wan that one can't help but get something spiritual out of it.
One a scale of 1 - 10, for the number of letters in the hauntings' investigated by Ed and Loraine Warren, I give a very deserving 9.
To see a behind the scenes feature from the movie featuring the real family click the following video, if the video doesn't work click on the link:
The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net; I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can contribute to help with this ministry. Believe me there is much more going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work. Thanks and feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials provided.
There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at You can visit
Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word. Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Like most people in America, I had heard about the story of
Benghazi on the news. One can’t help but escape the story from a political
perspective. How does one determine who to believe? What is the truth? Were the
attacks about a video? Was it an organized attack? I could go on and on as it
seems the story has gone on and on. I was excited to see the movie for a simple
reason, it was directed by Action Director Michael Bay, noted for such films as
the Transformers series, Armageddon, The Rock, Bad Boys and numerous other
films I have really enjoyed. To think that he would take on this true to life
story, while at the same time, involving those who were there at the actual
events gave me reason to believe, I could likely get much more truth about the
actual events detailed in the movie than I would politicians and pundits who
had something to gain one way or the other. After watching 13 Hours, The Secret
Soldiers of Benghazi I realized, this particular piece would be as much an
editorial as it would be a review of the film.
Benghazi is a city in Libya, the home of former dictator
Muammar Gaddafi. Currently Libya is considered a fallen state with 1/3 of the
state being controlled by ISIS as of this writing. We see images from the
outset of the movie of the dysfunction within Libya as well as the fall of
Gaddafi. We also see from the outset upon the arrival of one of the military
contractors to Benghazi to be stationed at the CIA Station, approximately 1
mile from the US Consulates Office where United States Ambassador Chris Stevens
was located. We see this soldier’s connection to his fellow soldiers, as well
as to his family back home in the United States. We also see the compound where
United States Ambassador Stevens was located having at best lackadaisical protection,
low numbers of qualified men to protect the compound with not enough firepower.
We also see the involvement of insurgents and others where little background
and dependability on them was in place. It was clear that Stevens was well liked among
many of the Libyan people and that he had their best interest at heart, it was
also evident upon his death in the number of Libyan people who stood up to
protest his death. Please note, while some may consider this a spoiler, I am
assuming most reading it are well aware of the death as it has been major
political news and a point of discussion for several years now.
While 13 Hours does not delve into the political discourse
on this movie, we do see the role, and clear lack of understanding of the
situation by those in authoritative positions. I am aware that I need to be
careful with my language but the movie does a terrific job of detailing the
complete cluster f**k that was taking place in Benghazi and amongst many political
figures who oversaw the operations of a militaristic need. From the opening
scenes of 13 Hours until the closing moments, the viewer is on the edge of
their seats, questioning outright the decisions that are being made by
politicians and administrators having no understanding of the sacrifices being
made and the consequences that could result from their lack of understanding.
It is also clear that those involved with the making of this movie, including
those on the ground at the time, believe that there were organizational efforts
being made to make the attack on Consulates office and more prior to the
attacks taking place. It was not as reported, and referenced in the movie, the
result of a movie which was promoted from within the White House and others in
Washington for some weeks after the event. Now we know that lies were told in
this and that is a shame and disgrace to those who so valiantly fought to
protect American and Libyan lives who served. What is not clear as of yet, is
why those lies continued for so long and the purpose of those lies unless it
was an attempt to escape one’s own culpability in the lack of understanding the
One of the terrific things Michael Bay does in his direction and screenwriter,
Chuck Hogan who based the screenplay off of the book written by Mitchell Zuckoff,
(with the collaboration of those who served and fought during the events) was
to tell a story where we feel for those serving and their families. The CIA
Contract workers consisted of men who had extensive military training and
experience from The Navy Seals, The United States Marine Corps, The United States
Army Rangers and Special Forces. I was surprised at another concept that was
included in a movie, dealing with such intense scenes and horrific terrifying
experiences, that is, the use of humor. That comes about and is a tribute to the
men and women who serve in the United States Armed Services. Their humor and
the way they look at the battles and conflicts they are engaged in when their
life is on the line shows something about their fortitude. It also shows though
that one of the only ways to get through the battles they face, knowing that
they could and in some cases likely will die while thinking of their families
back home can only be dealt with in many ways with humor. As a result, we see
what I believe to be an accurate representation of the men and women who have and
do serve as well as the way they live their lives.
One of the things about 13 Hours that makes it work is the
amazing acting, filming sequences, editing, sound and more. In my opinion, this
is the best work from a Director I have always enjoyed, Michael Bay. As far as
I am concerned, with the seriousness of getting this story right, it is clearly
the best work Michael Bay has done. Not only is this his best movie, I consider
it a must for any American who truly value freedom, or for that matter anyone who
values freedom. 13 Hours shows the courage and sacrifices many make to insure the
freedom so many take for granted.
Now for another bit of editorial comment. The movie 13 Hours
is being heavily promoted in Christian circles, let me be clear about something
I seldom do in my reviews. This movie is rated ‘R’ for very good reasons. There
are graphic scenes of violence, coarse language, (as one would expect with some
military personnel.) There is also crude sexual oriented jesting. One of the
issues I had was the way this is being promoted to some extent within the
Religious, Christian Community and the encouragement of a blend of a Nationalistic
Religious movement in the promotions. I personally find that to some extent,
offensive as my faith is to my God and while I appreciate, love and value my
country, the marriage of politics and faith often results in a compromise of
faith, at least in my observations. This isn’t just a phenomenon amongst the
Religious Right but also amongst those who have Leftist positions. That isn’t
to negate the importance of this movie, it is to say however, that one needs to
draw clear distinctions between the responsibilities of the follower of Jesus
and the responsibilities of those in Government and that of Nations.
Individuals like myself who considers myself a follower of Jesus should also be
concerned when those responsibilities clash or are not fairly and honestly
represented. That concern should certainly come about when politicians and
others are less than honest in their reasoning and responses that include
I have friends on both extreme sides of the political aisle,
that said, the issues that occurred in Benghazi should be addressed and looked
at in a fair and honest way. This movie cannot be ignored, it is in many ways,
more than just a movie. When it comes to those who serve on the front lines
protecting our freedoms, whether they be to dissent, free-speech, practice of
faith, or even disagreements, I would say, "Make a point to see it
because, 'it matters,' and will matter to those in the future, serving in harm’s
way as to who their Commander and Chief is. It is in the area of politicians making
decisions that impact the lives of those serving be they Christian, Muslim,
Atheist, Red, Black or White and those they are called to protect that we see
the great failures of Benghazi and understand, this is more than just one
political side against another, it is a matter of doing what is right and in
the best interest of all people. Those who gave their lives trying to protect the
Compounds at Benghazi, and those serving at risk of life, bodily injury and the
impact on families left at home deserve that respect as do all of those who
have made these sacrifices.
There are moments of courage that we see represented in 13
Hours that should challenge all of us to be courageous. There are times we see
the importance of standing up for something you believe. That should of course
be done with integrity and honesty, especially if we value that which we stand
up for. We see that in 13 Hours not just amongst Americans, we see it amongst
Libyans who love their country, their faith and clearly stood up against those
making the attacks and seeking to obtain power within their country.
Unfortunately, as time progresses and moves on, it seems as if the bad guys are
winning the war in Libya, and at times, one has to wonder if they are not
winning globally. There were those in Libya during the 13 hours of the Libyan/American
Consulates Crisis that sold out to the almighty dollar. There were clearly
those who were more concerned about their own reputation than they were doing
what was necessary to protect lives. It was clear that there were those who
were so concerned with political correctness that their own political
correctness cost lives. It is also clear though, that one has to evaluate where
they stand individually, what freedoms they respect and appreciate and who they
want representing those who are on the front lines standing up for those
freedoms. We can if you will, have grandiose wonderful ideas that things will
work out and we don’t have to be involved in such decisions, decisions
involving honesty, integrity and so forth, but those grandiose ideas are often foolish
and ultimately will allow those who want to kill ever bastion of Western
Civilization to win. The question is, can we, will we be motivated to stand up
for what is right, especially when it comes time to listening to those on the front
lines fighting those battles that would seek to do harm to all of us, whatever
that conflict and battle is about?
13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi isn’t a perfect
movie. It could have delved a bit more into what causes the hatred some have
towards America, it could have answered a few more questions but in the end,
the movie is a 2 ½ hour representation of what happened during a specific time
and period. There is some background which is good, I would have just liked to
see a tad bit more. I do appreciate the reality that it does not make all
Muslim people look bad, it shows many in a favorable light and with a great
deal of respect. There are certainly enemies though, those on the ground with a
Radical faith who would kill and destroy but also, those with a Radical
political agenda who would kill and destroy. I left the theater feeling that
one enemy is just as dangerous as the other. Many will take issue with that but
it is what I felt and I believe many others felt.
This is a movie that every Freedom Loving American should
see but not just Freedom Loving American, but any soul on who values the
freedoms they have. I don’t believe it is a propaganda piece, I believe it is
instead, as accurate a representation of what actually took place as we who have
watched the news, read the stories, will get. I believe it is because those who
were there are telling their story, and 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of
Benghazi is in reality, their story but not just their story it is also the
story of the failures that took place then, and since then from a political
perspective and agenda.
Ono a scale of 1 – 10, for the near perfect movie going
experience that shows the power movies can have, I give a very deserving and
thought provoking 9 for the number of letters in the word, provoking.
To see the trailer for the movie, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, just click on the video below, if there are problems, click on the following link:
The Virtual Pew and our other work is supported solely by the kind
contributions of others. You can click on the donate button below to give any
amount to this work that does so much more than just post articles on the net;
I draw no ongoing salary from the church I pastor, Mosaic Wichita which is
predominantly a homeless church; I am grateful for any small amount you can
contribute to help with this ministry. Believe me there is much more
going on than most realize. I will also provide information to verify the
ministry and income that comes into this ministry and work. Thanks and
feel free to share any material from The Virtual Pew, I only ask that
appropriate credit is given and a link to the original site with the materials
There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You
can also contact me for a free audio book link of The Keystone Kid at You can visit
Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The
short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means,
spread the word. Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew
1249 N. St. Francis
Wichita Kansas, 67214
Click on the following links to learn more about The Virtual Pew
Welcome to my review page. You will find reviews for everything from books to music, but especially movies. Enjoy the page and don't forget while you are at it to check out all of the other blogs I do as well as my web site and where you will find message boards that have open discussion about all kinds of issues related to faith.
Mike Furches heads up The Virtual Pew, some say, the first Online Church. He speaks nationally on various topics and; is a freelance writer. He has published 2 books titled The Keystone Kid which has received rave reviews and thechildren's book with his late wife Mary Jane, Herald The Angel.. The short film, The Long Walk is also based on the book The Keystone Kid. Mike’s ministry is to those often called The Last, The Lost, and; The Least. Mike has worked with some top music artists and has an active interest in film. He is also an inductee into the International Blues Hall of Fame as a Great Blues Musician from the State of Kansas. He is available for speaking on a various topics. Mike has also been in some capacity as a pastor at various churches over the years. Thus the name Pastor Mike, which is a part of his Blues Band, Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band which has been endorsed by numerous Blues Hall of Fame Members from across the world.