Warning, the following review may be offensive and is
intended for adult audiences only, it may also contain spoilers.
Now let me say from the outset, in the past I have done reviews that have
caused me to lose friends both on social media and real friends just for the
fact that I have chosen to review the movie. I suspect that will be the case
for my review of Fifty Shades of Grey. Let me also say, as a film reviewer it
is my obligation to review film, even film some may not like, or for that
matter, film I may not like, just as a Christian plumber does the work they do,
I do the work I do, which is review film, and find points of truth to point
people to Christ if possible.
The truth is, protests, news stories and all of the
controversy drove me to want to see the movie, not stay away from it. Many will
ask why, well let me be clear; most of the time when I have seen protests and
controversy like exists with this movie, it drives me to want to see it, and
this time, like many others, I believe the comments about the movie are greatly
over exaggerated, in more ways than one, and the movie that is being protested is so far from
what is being said about it that it is unbelievable. In fact most of the time
those protests come from people who have not seen the film or know anything
about it other than what they have been told.
Now some facts about Fifty Shades of Grey. Does the movie contain scenes of explicit
sex? Yes, albeit not as explicit as I
thought although there is a great deal of nudity in the film. Does the film
contain sadomasochism or dominance and submission sex? Yes! Does it glorify this act? Absolutely not!
This film is the story of a soon to be college English Lit major
graduate, Anastasia Steele played quite well and innocently by Dakota Johnson.
While doing a report for her friend and roommate she goes from Portland
to Seattle to
interview young billionaire, Christian Grey. In a sort of twisted tale, resembling
at times Last Tango in Paris,
a relationship develops between Steele
and Grey. Grey has secrets though, secrets that go back to a childhood that
included being involved in sexual acts at the age of 15 in a non voluntary way,
(BTW this is rape for those that don't know). There is more to his past but we
are left to figure much of that out. Steele, a virgin falls in love with Grey
although the feeling is not quite amicable. Now at this part as the story
develops and concludes I was reminded that this movie is based off of the first
book of a 3 book series. In that every show for the Friday, Saturday opening
weekend is sold-out in Wichita,
I suspect the movie will do well enough to make the other two films at some
On a technical perspective, the film is well lit, a lot of great cinematography
and a very interesting story line that is about far more than sex, although sex
is a backdrop to the story but more on that in a sermon a little later. I was
also frankly surprised at the level of character development and for a movie of
this sort, at a little over 2 hours I felt myself compelled to the characters
and the story, and while there is a great deal of nudity in the movie it was
not nearly as important to me as the characters in the story. That for me
causes me to give kudos to the director, Sam Taylor-Johnson.
Now back to another question just for clarification. Am I
promoting this movie? Absolutely not, I will say in fact, many need to stay
away from it as they may not be mature enough to deal with the subject matter.
I would imagine for example teen age, hormonal individuals will focus more on
the nudity and sex than they do the actual story. In this area, I must also
make another comment, just as many Christians have gone overboard to be
critical of what they believe the story is, so have many others who are
promoting the story as a sordid love story. The truth of the matter is, Fifty
Shades of Grey is not a horrible promotion of perverted sex, neither is it a
lustful, to be desired love story. It is instead, a story that deals with the
after effects of many of sexual abuse.
Those who know me as more than a movie reviewer also knows
my history and of my book The Keystone Kid, which chronicles my life, including
being sexually abused. I have heard from no less than 5 individuals in the last
week who have commented on how much that book helped them because of its
honesty. I have shared my story in print, on television, on screen and in a
book as well as in person across the globe. I have said many times, "How
is a child who grew up in an abusive situation, never being taught an
appropriate concept of sex supposed to have any understanding of sex, or for
that matter love." That my friends, is the exact same concept that is presented
in this movie. Grey, in a yet to be determined fullness of understanding, has
gone through a period of what I would consider abuse from at least the age of
15 maybe longer. His first sexual
encounters seem to be atrocious and the character has literally no
understanding of sex in a loving or caring way. Now for the Christians who may
be offended. I have read all of the Bible, including the Song of Solomon which
includes scenes of as much graphic nature as in the film. The difference is, it
can be determined that one is in a loving way, the other not; of course the
Bible also includes stories of rape, incest and more. The discussion of sex
amongst Christians should not be Taboo.
Now for my mini sermon, I really wish that adults, people of
faith, would not be so ashamed to address human sexuality, and in the case of
this film, as I have discovered in my own life, the issues and consequences
that come about from being abused or children who have been abused and not
developed an appropriate attitude or understanding of sex. Here is a reality,
whether we like it or not, accept it or not, we live in a society where the
abused have had the sins of others swept under a rug and never addressed. It is
sad especially when people of faith have to go through situations of this
nature, no wonder so many, when they are seeking healing, even from sexual sin
and misunderstanding are condemned for the sins of others. Here is a shocking
truth, Christians could use a film like Fifty Shades of Grey to start a
discussion that would provide healing for multitudes of people who seem to have
gone through what the character Christian Grey has gone through. Again let me make it clear, THIS DOES NOT
Now does any of this mean that I am saying see the
movie? ABSOLOUTELY NOT! Just as I stated earlier, this film is too
mature for many, can be a stumbling block or for many a movie they can not to
handle. It is an adult movie but an adult movie that for me, as a former sexual
abuse victim, does not glorify sex, premarital sex or sex at all.
While sex is a backdrop, it is a backdrop to what appears to be a
misunderstood, search for love and misunderstanding of love due to abuse in his
own life of Christian Grey. It is also a search for love for the lead female
character, which can bring about appropriate discussion of how one discovers
love, how far do they go, and when does one or should one give in to sexual
Fifty Shades of Grey is not a great movie. It is not a feel good, lets get
romantic movie either, instead, it is a movie that could inspire discussion and
hopefully motivate people who have a relationship with God, who have
experienced real love to open up discussions with those who are drawn to the
sexual content of this movie, which there will be. For Christians, the
appropriate discussions can be had even if you choose to not see the movie.
Personally, I can't recommend that many if any do see the movie.
In closing, I believe sex is a beautiful gift of God when practiced with the
intent of which God created it, between two individuals who have made a life
long commitment to each other. Does that change the reality that many have
engaged in sex in a way outside of God's intent? Of course not, but if
discussion is not made, real honest discussion then we will never see things
change and the message of a gift of God, when used appropriately and practiced
appropriately can never be given or shared with those who need it.
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