just started my 13th year of contributing to Hollywood Jesus. HJ has
had an impact on me and with the help of greats like David Bruce, I have for years
recognized my ability to find seeds of truth in film to plant in ones search
for truth regarding spiritual matters. One of the first things I ever read at
Hollywood Jesus was from David Bruce. While some point out the fallacies of
certain films, like Superman, I have never abandoned my belief in David’s
vision, of using film to find seeds of truth to plant in one’s mind regarding their
own search for truth. Of course I am unapologetic as to what I believe that
truth to be but I have always tried to be respectful, hoping that maybe, just
maybe, there is something I will write that will cause one to think deeper
about spiritual things and come to the same conclusions I have. For those who
are critical of this approach, I am reminded of what the Bible says, “Jesus
never taught them anything without first telling them stories. After he told
them the stories he would gather together his disciples and explain their
meaning.” Movies are a contemporary form of storytelling. This is why I fell in
love with the approach used by David Bruce all those years ago.
of the best examples of this I have seen is David’s review of Superman back in
1998. That review cab be seen at an archived page of the original Hollywood
Jesus at: http://www.hollywoodjesus.com/superman.htm.
With the viewing of Superman, Man of Steel, I found myself recalling that
review. Most of the points David mentions in his original review, which turned heads,
are still present in the new movie. There are a few points of interest I want
to point out specifically related to Superman, Man of Steel, but before doing
so, go back in time and see what David picked up on in his original review in
know the story of Superman but few have likely thought of the spiritual imagery
throughout the story. A powerful being from another planet is sent to earth to
take on human form to be raised as a human; he is seemingly all powerful and
has an immense love for the human species. He has as some would point out a
sacrificial love where he is willing to offer himself up for the salvation of all
people. He is raised by Jonathan (Joseph) and Martha (Mary) (Again see David’s
original review.) Kent. They are fully aware of his powers and origins but raise
him with integrity and morals. As Clark grows up he recognizes some things his
earthly parents don’t understand. He has an ongoing relationship with his
father, now a spirit of sorts who keeps him informed and reminded of his
purpose. Clark has a dark and deceitful enemy who would destroy all of
humanity, even the son of his nemesis, Jorel, Kalel (Clark Kent’s original
name) father. One of the things we see is the value Clark has for people of
faith, including a pastor of a church where we see continual shots of either a
cross or Jesus as a Shepherd in a conversation between the two. We also see
times where Clark looks to the cross or a church for answers to questions he is
facing. Clark has rugged experiences of working as a fisherman, a builder and
other vocations, while rescuing people. We see a drastic change in his life
after a scene that resembles a baptism; he offers himself up for the salvation
of others, seemingly cast into the sea where he takes on the position of a
crucified savior. He emerges with a new purpose to discover himself.
Man of Steel is lacking in any area it is in character development. What we do learn about the characters is
largely via flashback sequences; as a result we lose the impact of seeing the
characters develop. The special effects, sound and costuming is incredible. I
saw the film in 3-D and recommend people not waste their money for 3-D as there
just isn’t enough to justify the extra cost.

Superman, Man of Steel is far from perfect, it is a near perfect character
(Clark Kent/Superman) that can be used to point people towards the person of Jesus;
the one many believe to be the real savior of the world. The associations and similarities
may be far more intended than some would admit but for more on that point, see
that 1998 review by David Bruce.
am giving a higher than expected score for this film which may surprise many,
it is due to the enjoyment I had, despite the lack of story. On a scale of 1 –
10, for the number that kind of resembles an S for Superman, especially if
doubled, I give an enjoyable, entertaining 8.
The following is a clip from ABC featuring the cast of Man of Steel speaking about the film. To see it click on the trailer, if the trailer doesn't appear, click on the following link:
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6441 N. Hydraulic
Park City Kansas, 67219
Email: mike@furches.org
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