I am normally weary of movies that deal with The Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton Tennessee in 1925. I had a great uncle I remember fondly who attended the trial and I used to sit and listen to him and my grandfather talk about it. Later in life I especially enjoyed the renderings of the trial as presented in the play and movies, especially the original film Inherit The Wind. The new film Alleged, presents itself as a love story, but it is really a retelling of the famous trial which addressed the legality of teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution in the classroom in Tennessee. While little new is presented in Alleged, there are still some thought provoking concepts well worth watching and the possible discussions on the various perspectives presented in the movie could be fruitful?
Alleged presents its story with a quality cast including the likes of: Nathan West, Colm Meaney, Brian Dennehy, Fred Thompson, and Ashley Johnson to name a few. Especially good is Colm Meaney as a ruthless newspaper reporter from Baltimore. The technical aspects of this film make for what would have been a very good television movie. It falls short of a good theatrical release. This isn’t a serious criticism; there have recently been some good television movies. In Alleged the editing is choppy and the soundtrack had me wondering what is going on as it distracts from the movie with out of the period musical numbers. Thompson and Dennehy are as good as usual and the times they are on screen together are magical, unfortunately there aren’t enough of those moments.
One of the weaknesses of the film is it has too many subplots. Some of those in and of themselves would have made a better movie and while this film is enjoyable and educational, it was lacking. It would have been better with a slightly longer film. It does an admirable job at presenting the historical aspects of the trial and the debate, both pro and con regarding the theory of evolution is done in a respectful way that should have those with various perspectives appreciating the film.
Up to this point some may think I didn’t like this movie, but I did like it. I especially liked the respectful way Darwin’s theory of evolution is presented, while at the same time bringing to the forefront some of Darwin’s most controversial beliefs. At task is more than the debate of creationism vs. evolution, what I found especially perplexing is the presentation of supposed truth by the media. It is here I was challenged. The film does a nice job of presenting how news editors can and often does, manipulate the truth. There are those in the ‘media’ who have biased opinions and those opinions are often presented as ‘truth,’ when in reality, what they present is more of an opinion. It is as if some would say, ‘to hell with the truth.’ This was apparently the case as history shows in regards to The Scopes Trial. Some of this I heard first hand as my great uncle told his stories. I am reminded from a faith perspective to make sure, ‘I study to show myself approved,’ and ‘to be prepared to give an answer.’ I am also reminded of the danger of the tongue and the need to tell truth. Unfortunately, there are times lies and falsehoods win out. I believe this is a part of what the filmmakers are communicating. The premise of the manipulation of truth is done quite well in Alleged.
I was entertained by Alleged, in part due to my own love for the story and the history surrounding the trial. The movie, if a tad longer, or a little less burdened with various plots could have been much better. I was also disappointed with the quality of the DVD and the lack of special features. I would still give a slight recommendation for the purchase of the film as it is an important historical event worth discussing. This film along with several others, including Inherit The Wind, Expelled and Creation a film that deals with the life of Charles Darwin and his struggles with faith and science could make for some wonderful conversations. It amazes me that this theme is still relevant some 75+ years later. I challenge though, visit the various perspectives on the issue, visit the history of the people involved in the story, and from there make an educated decision or at least one where you will be prepared to give an answer when the topic comes up, because no matter what your belief on the debate of evolution vs. creationism, you will be engaged in a debate that garnished national attention some years ago in Dayton Tennessee.
To see the video posted below, click on the video, if the video doesn’t appear or appears in distorted form, click on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1b8g8rUA6k
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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Email: mike@furches.org
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I love superhero movies, especially the ones that are believable with a hero I can relate to. I especially like it when the hero is a regular guy or gal with a few perks that enables them to fight crime. As of recent, one of my favorites in these genera was Kickass. On the surface, in some ways, with the packaging, promotion and hype, Griff The Invisible reminds me of Kickass. What one sees on the surface and gets in reality though can be two things altogether different. Such is the case here. We have a character we aren’t quite sure of that is either quite delusional or something all together different. The confusion doesn’t stop there though. This movie on the surface may appear to be a poor effort at a superhero movie but it turns out to be a nice love story.
Griff The Invisible is actually a film made on a shoestring budget, it is a superhero movie without the expensive special effects. It is driven more by story and written quite well, especially in its character development by Leon Ford who also directed the film. There are some moments that are lacking, especially in the soundtrack but as some movies go, it is quite nice from a technical perspective.
Griff stars Ryan Kwanten from HBO’s True Blood as the lead character Griff. He is a misfit of an office worker through the day with desires of becoming a super-hero who protects the innocents of his community by night. We see his struggles and poor relationships with his coworkers and his brother. It isn’t until he meets his brothers’ new girlfriend, Melody, played nicely by Maeve Dermody, (a misfit in her own right) that the story takes off. The two falls in love and their willingness to be there for the other, in all things, creates an atmosphere where an action hero movie turns into a good love story. Unfortunately, a love story may not be what people expect when they watch this movie.
Despite what some may expect, I found myself liking the love story in Griff more than I did the hero movie. It is as the two characters develop their relationship that the real chemistry between the actors takes place. Kwanten has done a good job of playing innocents in the past. His portrayal here in some ways is similar to his character in True Blood. While innocent in nature, he does not always make the best decisions. As his love for Melody starts to develop he comes into his own and while predictable in style, it is still done quite nicely and in a respectful way for those watching the film.
Griff touches on the concepts of going after ones dreams and the importance of caring for those who have been hurt. I appreciated the ability to display the importance of one taking care of their self before venturing out to take care of the world around them. It is as Jesus admonished people to do, ‘to love your neighbor as yourself,’ that we get to the place of ultimately being able to love and care for others. Just like Griff in the movie though, there are often barriers in life which seemingly prevent one from loving and caring for themselves. Unfortunately, until we are able to do this, the level of help given to others is diminished. Just as Griff has to learn to value himself before he can adequately help others, so must we. It is through the love of another that Griff ultimately learns the importance of this. For some in life, that love comes from God directly and they are able to recognize it, for others, it comes from another whom God may have placed in our lives to demonstrate that love.
While Griff The Invisible is not quite what I expected, it is still an enjoyable movie. I especially liked Ryan Kwanten. I wish the movie had focused on either a love story or the superhero movie though; it seems to lack direction which in return takes away from the enjoyment and credibility of the movie. While worth watching it is not a movie I would recommend owning. The Blu-ray transfer had little if any value over that of a standard DVD. The visual quality of the Blu-ray and the soundtrack quality have nothing spectacular. There are numerous special features that are fun to watch and the director’s commentary gives some good insights into the film. That all said, I recommend the film as a rental as opposed to a purchase. I enjoyed it but there really is nothing new here to get excited about. That doesn’t mean it isn’t worth watching, I would recommend it for a romantic viewing with a loved one instead of an action movie night though. If doing that, I think most will be pleased.
To see the video posted below, click on the video, if the video doesn’t appear or appears in distorted form, click on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9NBxXbbmk0
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Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Email: mike@furches.org
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Without A Home is a documentary about homelessness now hitting the DVD market. From the outset, I must state, I have been homeless and I have worked with the homeless for over 30 years now. I also pastor a church that serves as a primary point of ministry, The Homeless, not just in a serving way but a communal becoming a part of the family way. It is with that in mind that I give my input to this documentary. I had a measure of expectation and hope for this documentary which has received a great deal of praise, and while I recommend the film, it is with some hesitation. I have some fear and concern the film could perpetuate the stereotypical attitude of the homeless.
The film starts with young filmmaker Rachel Fleischer taking her camera and following several homeless people, recording the experiences. The desire to help is something many have, knowing what to do, and how to do it is something else all together. One of the positive attributes of this film is we see this lack of knowledge and the learning experience begin to take place in young Fleischer. We see that the desire to help is not always the end all to providing help, we also see that sometimes, if not careful, there is a price to pay. Don’t get me wrong, I admire Fleischer’s dedication and desire to help, I am not so certain though that the representations we see of the homeless portrayed on screen are actually all that accurate of a general perception of all homeless persons, the featured individuals in the documentary certainly fall into the category of what for some is stereotypical expectations. Of course Fleischer focuses on the ‘Skid Row’ section of Los Angeles, in reality though this population group does not represent all of the homeless population across the country. While I don’t think Fleischer assumes to present this as so, there will be those who see this documentary that bases their generalizations about the homeless on this specific group which consist of a high percentage of mentally ill and drug and alcohol abusers. While there are large percentages of these groups among the homeless, the dynamics are changing.
As a documentary, Without A Home does a decent, but not great job in its technical merits. There are at times the things that could be expected from a young film maker, poor lighting, less than adequate sound, and editing that appears at times jumpy. There is also some disunity in story at times, but overall, even though the film is lacking in some ways, (it certainly isn’t a big budget film) it makes up for it in some of the stories told on film. In that story there could have been more insight and hope presented. I was left wondering, what the purpose of the film was? Was it to educate about homelessness? If so, it only gives a partial history, one that is dated over the last 3 years especially since many of the homeless now, at least that I am working with, are homeless due to the economy, foreclosures, and more. There is actually less substance abuse on the streets than some may imagine, and while mental illness plays a role for many, it is far from all. So if wanting to provide insight to the homeless, Without A Home was somewhat lacking in the total picture it presents.
If the purpose of Without A Home was to provide hope for the homeless I found the stories, while real and relevant at times, it could be discouraging and difficult for many of the homeless seeing it.
One of the things the film does a good job of is presenting reality, especially in the case of one subject matter, to which the film is dedicated. Mike a former heroin addict is introduced as a recovering addict who now advocates for the homeless. We see the totality of his story, from recovery to relapse, and from a person of impact to tragedy. There are other characters, some 6 which the film follows, but I challenge there is another character in the story whose story is quite interesting, that is of the documentary filmmaker Rachel Fleischer. We see her eagerness to get involved, and ultimately her realization that she can only do so much.
I am moved by a film that has as a point of story, a filmmaker who has the heart to care and do something for the population of people she is cataloging in her film. I am moved that someone is willing to address the ongoing need of the poor and the homeless. I cannot look at something like this and not think about the mandates of my faith, and the message of Jesus to love all, especially the command to love and serve the poor and needy, the orphan and the widow. Some go so far as to use Matthew 25:31-46 from the Bible as an illustration that we will ultimately be judged by what we have done or not done for ‘The Least of These.’ There is no doubt as to the heart and concern of Rachel Fleischer, but there are lessons to learn and hopefully the film provides a catalyst where others can learn.
One of the things I hope we learn is the difference between passion and knowledge on how to help the poor. As I regress back to my experiences, I must state, I am speaking personally here based on my own experiences. One of the greatest dangers in serving, ‘The Least of These,’ is an enabling attitude along with a method of service that seems to be provided and in some situations, is expected. One component of my faith is the hope it provides, a hope that doesn’t just start in Heaven, but starts now. Don’t take me wrong, there are those who need hope now due to their situation, but there are others that need to be helped and encouraged to go after their dreams, whatever their dreams may be. Helping one accomplish those dreams may be easy if the dream is to find peace, yet, for those who have dreams of independence, of more than being on the streets, of escaping addiction, there is the need to walk along side of, be there with, on an ongoing basis, learning to access the appropriate resources in the community. Of course those resources are difficult to obtain at times, especially when those providing those services are over worked and have become disillusioned to both the system they work within, and towards those they are blessed to serve. I am not sure that this needed understanding is presented in Without A Home. I am not so sure because the true place where home is (the heart) is not really addressed as it could have been. It is when finding that place called home; within the heart that progress can be made. Then one can share in family and community.
I reluctantly recommend this movie; for individuals who watch it and are moved to help the homeless, get to know them, try to understand their hearts. In the end the director of this documentary has done that; I will follow up though, watch from a distance, and hope and pray the homeless she touched in the filming of this documentary will discover the hope and possibilities that exist, the truth is, they deserve it.
To see the video posted below, click on the video, if the video doesn’t appear or appears in distorted form, click on the following link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYgGI8ZQRkw
Now for those that do not know, make sure you check out the numerous articles and blogs by checking out the archives. If visiting The Virtual Pew or MySpace they are archived on the left hand side of the page. Scroll down to where you see newer or older listed under archives and then click there. There are hundreds of postings so make sure to check out the archives. You can also contact me for a free e-book pre edit version of The Keystone Kid at mike@thevirtualpew.comYou can visit http://www.thevirtualpew.com/ and on the front page down on the left side you sill see our store. Your purchase provides needed funds to The Virtual Pew. If you do not see something to purchase you can click on the search engine, (do not put anything in the search box at this time). You will be taken to Amazon where you can search for anything you desire. Hopefully you will consider a gift to The Virtual Pew.
Now I get asked this quite often, Can we repost your blogs or articles? The short answer to that is, what an honor that you would ask, and by all means, spread the word.Here is our contact information
The Virtual Pew 6441 N. Hydraulic Park City Kansas, 67219
Email: mike@furches.org
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Welcome to my review page. You will find reviews for everything from books to music, but especially movies. Enjoy the page and don't forget while you are at it to check out all of the other blogs I do as well as my web site www.furches.org and www.thevirtualpew.com where you will find message boards that have open discussion about all kinds of issues related to faith.
Mike Furches heads up The Virtual Pew, some say, the first Online Church. He speaks nationally on various topics and; is a freelance writer. He has published 2 books titled The Keystone Kid which has received rave reviews and thechildren's book with his late wife Mary Jane, Herald The Angel.. The short film, The Long Walk is also based on the book The Keystone Kid. Mike’s ministry is to those often called The Last, The Lost, and; The Least. Mike has worked with some top music artists and has an active interest in film. He is also an inductee into the International Blues Hall of Fame as a Great Blues Musician from the State of Kansas. He is available for speaking on a various topics. Mike has also been in some capacity as a pastor at various churches over the years. Thus the name Pastor Mike, which is a part of his Blues Band, Pastor Mike and the Demon Slayer Blues Band which has been endorsed by numerous Blues Hall of Fame Members from across the world.