Imagine a society where we had regular people who took on the role of a super hero? This hero may be kind of like Bruce Wayne of Batman Fame, but without all of the gadgets and with maybe a little more violent temper. Imagine no real super hero powers, no special gadgets, just a desire to fight evil and to stand up against the wrongs of society. Then imagine those heroes being the people who have been abused, hurt, and misunderstood. Mix in some teenage humor, social commentary and in the process shocking scenarios and you have much of what drives Kick Ass.
Kick Ass staring Aaron Johnson as Kick Ass, (who when in costume sounds an awful lot like Toby McGuire, another super hero in another movie,) Chloe Moretz as Hit girl, and Nicholas Cage as Hit Girl’s father, Big Daddy. Kick Ass, (Dave Lizewski) is a typical teenager, going through typical teenage issues, including sexual issues has had it as a nobody. Under the direction of Matthew Vaughn, we see the character develop from the opening comedic and shocking scenes, to the growing up by facing tragedy and difficult circumstances. From the very opening scenes, we see that while there may be humor in this story, there are also moments that shock and amaze the viewer. We also ultimately see Kick Ass come across an organized crime syndicate that has had its way in his city. His super hero persona becomes a hero of sorts in the city, but he also becomes a motivating factor in bringing out others to take part as a Super Hero.

Kick Ass portrays the desire for heroes in society. Just as in the movie, we live in a society that has been robbed of its innocence, which has influenced the evil around us, even evil among those who are supposed to be our protectors. Just like another hero I respect, it is as if sometimes we need a savior, a savior who may be a child, or a young person to help point us to justice, and truth. Of course the methods used in Kick Ass are not the best methods; in fact there is a great deal of violence used in that justice, but it doesn’t negate the need for justice. We can ask; what lessons are we teaching and using in society? Are we as adults standing up for justice? Are we just looking through our stained glass windows, doing nothing and letting good and decent people have to face the consequences of evil due to our own inaction and irresponsibility? Underneath the violent portrayals in Kick Ass we are forced to think about those questions. There is a scene where an adult is looking out his window, watching a robbery, seeing someone beat to a pulp, and that person, does nothing. Then we see a young ambitious hero come to the rescue, only to face what appears to be certain death, all while others look on. Which character are we? Do we realize that sometimes, standing for what is right, may result in harm? I am reminded here of the verse, no greater love has anyone than this, that they are willing to lay down their life for another. In Kick Ass, we see characters that are willing to do just that, lay down their life for the innocent.
As stated in my first paragraph, I have to admit, I loved this movie. I will get criticism for it for a variety of reasons, but one thing I appreciate is originality and taking a story line to a new level.

On a scale of 1 – 10, for the perfect 10 that sometimes looses the one they love, I give a very enjoyable and surprising 9
The following is the PG trailer of the film, there is a popular R rated trailer out there, but out of respect for some reading this, I posted the milder version. I will remind you though, this film is rated R for a very good reason.
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